Marketing Week

Marketing Week

You're so Money Supermarket

Moneysupermarket slams ‘annoying’ ads

Marketing Week marketing boss has slammed rivals’ “annoying” brand characters for detracting from the category’s role in saving customers money, as it rolls out its latest ad using its ‘You’re so Money Supermarket slogan’.

Direct mail still works for third sector

Marketing Week

The Fundraising Standards Board’s claim that complaints about charity email campaigns rose 282% last year ( EmailFundraising) ties in with a report from across the Atlantic, published recently by Dunham and Company, which highlights that people who make donations via charity websites are three times more likely to have come via direct mail (17%) rather […]

Promotion not over until winner has enjoyed prize

Marketing Week

Travel promotions remain popular with consumers as many continue to feel the pinch and are having to save hard to be able to afford the annual holiday. Brands can tap into this by running promotions that capture the consumer’s imagination, create awareness, reinforce brand values and provide an important opportunity to collect accurate data. However, […]

How brands target children is not top of parents’ agenda

Marketing Week

The Chartered Instituteof Marketing (CIM) claimsthat 90% of parents think brands are not marketing products and services to children responsibly ( However, a proper understanding of this issue and an informed debate cannot begin with the snapshot that the CIM’s survey provides. When the Bailey review (Letting Children Be Children) began last year, Credos – […]

Ruth Mortimer

Playing the long game keeps double dip at bay

Marketing Week

“If you stand by and do nothing, then you leave the door open for others,” bemoaned Tesco’s chief executive Philip Clarke earlier this week. He was talking about Tesco’s failure to carry out enough marketing activity in its fourth quarter, allowing its rivals to fill the gap with a flurry of price-focused coupons and promotions. […]

Mind the gap in the free sample method

Marketing Week

The article ‘Offering a bit more than a free sample’ ( highlighted some of the data from our research project: Building Brilliant Sampling Campaigns, which uncovers what consumers value in the live environment and what encourages them to sample more and purchase. The real opportunity for marketers is in plugging the gap between sample and […]

Finding an AVE alternative

Marketing Week

Our PR Strategy cover story sparked plenty of debate on how to tap into the true value of PR. Read the feature at, and extracts of reader comments below:

The measure of PR

Marketing Week

At the beginning of every campaign, brands and agencies need to be very clear on what they want PR to achieve and what success will look like (PR Strategy, PRMeasurement). Is it about awareness and education, for example? Is it about changing perceptions? Is it about creating fame or is it about keeping news […]

The future is bright for NFC technology

Marketing Week

I read Michael Barnett’s article ‘M-commerce moves into the mainstream’ ( with interest. While I was unsurprised that only 4% of consumers had used their mobile to pay for something at the checkout to date, I agree with Paul Griffiths that the future for near field communication and the mobile wallet is bright. NFC technology […]

Web comment: The dying art of grammar

Marketing Week

The Secret Marketer highlighted a possible generation gap in the importance of good grammar and style in internal and external communications in a recent column. Find the article here and comment extracts below. I completely agree that communication is an art. I strongly believe that spelling and grammar are vital to a company’s professionalism, […]

Is celebrity content in our campaigns of real value?

Marketing Week

News of the latest Marks & Spencer campaign featuring Joanna Lumley ( raised a debate in the Summersault office over the value of celebrity content in campaigns and publications. As consumers, we are bombarded daily with celebrity endorsements for everything from coffee to holidays. What does this say about marketers’ views of what motivates and […]